From Hurghada: Luxor Valley of the Kings Full-Day Trip in Small Group-




16 сати


Visit the monuments of Luxor on a day’s excursion. Take the chance to visit the capital of the Pharaohs and its impressive architectural legacy: the Karnak Temple, Valley of the Kings, Colossi of Memnon, and Temple of Hatshepsut,.


  • Small group trip to Cairo Max. 8 people by Minibus,
  • Karnak Temple,
  • Colossi of Memnon,
  • Mortuary Temple of Hatshepsut,
  • Valley of the Kings,
  • Lunch (Oriental Open Buffet ),

Full description:-

Крените на једнодневни излет из Хургаде да бисте видели неке од најбољих историјских места Египта у долини Луксор. Искористите погодности бесплатног преузимања и одласка и услуга водича египтолога док истражујете неке од најважнијих знаменитости старог Египта.

After pickup from your hotel, drive to Luxor to visit the most famous monuments in Egypt, including the Temple of Karnak. Relax over lunch at a local restaurant, then board a typical Felucca boat to cross the Nile to the City of the Dead (optional). See the impressive Colossi of Memnon, the last remnants of the Temple of Amenophis III. Be enthralled by the architecture of the Valley of the Kings, and visit the temple of Hatshepsut, one of the female rulers of Ancient Egypt..

Цене за децу:

  •  1-5 година: Free.
  • 6-11 година: 50% discount.
  • Од 12 година: full price.


  •  Прихватамо готовину у било којој валути (евро, долари, енглеске или египатске фунте) и плаћање се врши на почетку туре.
  •  Tax and insurance are included in the price..

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